
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Speaking in Tongues

As a family we were studying 1 Corinthians 14. We came to the conclusion that there seems to be two kinds of "tongue speakings" Paul discusses. The one in this chapter appears to be discussing languages (14:10 ESV) as is the example of Pentecost in Acts chapter one. The confusion may be related to some other passages such as 1 Corinthians 13:1 and 14:2 where Paul seems to be suggesting a heavenly language. 13:1 Paul most likely is using exaggerated language on purpose for Paul's point is without love great acts superhuman in effort and nature are nothing. But I think Paul's point is found in 14:10 & 11: no language is without meaning; and without understanding I am a foreigner to the speaker. But I do believe the whole "tongues" issue is completely taken out of context with denominations such as the Assemblies of God and others who overemphasize this gift of God to the point of having it pre-eminent in their theology. The emphasise on tongue speaking, as evidence of the inner workings of the Holy Spirit, is off centered and therefore, I believe, unscriptural. We discussed these things in our family time and answered the question of why. One of the reasons is straight forward. Tongues is a lesser gift. It is given lesser status to prophesy. The passage states that prophesy is more important because it edifies the body, whereas tongues edifies the individual. Both are important but according to Paul he would rather speak 5 intelligible words in church than 10000 words in a tongue. The ESV does a grand job at explaining this. The gift of prophesy benefits the church better than the gift of tongues unless there is an interpreter where everyone can benefit as they do with prophecy. The biggest argument I find difficult to swallow is simply that Pentecostals say that the ability to speak in tongues is evident that the Holy Spirit is in you. The correct understanding of this gift is the same as every gift of the Spirit: That is that the Spirit of God distributes His gifts as He sees fit according to his will to people. The fact that you prophecy is evidence enough that the Holy Spirit is in you. This just as valid as a person who speaks in tongues which is just as valid as another who has the gift of healing. These are gifts of God given for the edification of the body of Christ. It is wrong to elevate one gift over the other in the way the Pentecostals do. All gifts are moot if God's love is not manifest through them to those who are lost in sin. -Joe

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