This is great. I get comments once in a while but generally not. It is like having a journal with an occasional observation or comment. But if I wanted more, I would have done more to "get it out there." But who wants to read about current events from a Christian viewpoint or theological musings from a lay person anyhow? Evidently not many do if my feedit stat counter is any indication. Heck, even my so-called "followers" rarely check in. They follow probably because they feel obligated in some way since Joe is their friend (we'll see how long it takes for any of them to contradict me!) :-).
This year is looking to be the busiest year on record for business. The outlook is daunting especially with no one who wants a job. I am trying to hire at least 3 full time people. Do you think anyone wants to get their hands dirty based on what is seen coming out of the public schools today? No! Kids expect mom and dad to give them everything - and shame on them for giving in to their children's demands! We have a so-called epidemic of people needing jobs. Either, their unemployment has not run out and moved them to a state of desperation; or everybody still has their jobs and are living comfortably. But perhaps it takes an awful lot to move Americans to a state of desperation. I think most people are basically lazy and only if someone was to hold a gun to their heads they would just as soon as use up their savings (if they have one) than to dig holes for plants or cut someone else's grass.
Time to consider what else to do. I am only getting older.
Josiah is going to take over Jesse's place on the maintenance crew. Hopefully I'll have him for a number of years. Once the twins move into position then I will be glad when I don't have to deal with so many idiots saying they need work but prove they have absolutely no work ethic at all. Many thanks go to idiotic parents who never built within their children any real values. Instead they trained them to take the easy road and demand what is not their right. Those who do work are too soft. Are their any out there who are willing to work for pay and do what is required of them with all earnestness? Is there any out their who are willing to do honest work and learn to be better workers rather than good wards of the state?
If you are near Rowley Massachusetts then give me a call and expect good work for the growing season. Don't be like others who stand around without anything to do when there is a ton to do. Trouble finds these ones and I don't want to hear about how the world is so against you. I want to hear about your aspirations and goals. I don't care about your social life. Sometimes our social lives have to be sacrificed for the goals we have set for ourselves.
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