There are certain pockets in society where knowing what you believe and why is actually a good thing to pursue. Knowing this and being able to defend it with good reasoned argumentation is a lost art. Even in the church it is mind-blowing that Christians (those who call themselves Christian) don't know anything more than than what I teach the 3 and 4 year olds every Wednesday night. We must face the fact that the Church is illiterate - not my church but most I have experienced and can name. But even in my church people anticipate more the new movie coming out in theaters rather than new learning and teaching in the Word of God. What I mean about "new" is simply that God's word is active and alive. God should be new to us with each new morning and with each passing day. We should anticipate our time with him more than the new movie out in theaters.
So arguing for our faith is becoming a lost art and people are threatened when you challenge them. Why are people threatened when you talk theology? I think it is simple - they just do not know exactly what they believe. And those who do know something but are challenged on some points of their beliefs refuse to hear because they do not want to change or know how to change or know what to do with the new altering information. Changing how we presently view some theological point requires deep thought and careful, reasoning. Let's face it, this requires hard work! Constant entertainment through movies, fluffy novels and video games teaches and encourages us to be flabby in the mind. So when we challenge a set of opinions or beliefs all we get is an empty, superficial nonsensical retort. "Deep" thoughts end up merely being opinion without any fact to back it up. But someone who has a good, well-reasoned and thought out belief will be able to defend it. More than that; if they are well grounded in God's word and identify intimately with Christ; if their reasoning is not water-proof they are not threatened by opposing argument but humbly are willing to concede and alter their views. We are not talking about "winning an argument" here. But drawing closer in love and appreciation of our Lord and Savior whose knowledge is beyond comprehension. Too often people (Christians included) simply dismiss objections as irrelevant. This only reveals their vast ignorance about the scriptures and the fragility of their own weak beliefs. Thanks goes to the entertainment culture in which we live for weak, pitiful immature Christians who would rather serve mammon than give their all to the God who saves!
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