It is really a sad thing when so-called "Christians" demonstrate their total and complete biblical ignorance with such predictions like the one that Harold Camping made to the world. May 21st came and went and I am here typing away at 12:20 a.m. May 22nd. Men like 89 year old Camping are to be pitied more than anything. But men like Camping give Christians and their Lord truly a bad name. Paul writes in Romans chapter 2 that "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you". The context is appropriate for the discussion we are having. Instructions are found in scripture about having care in handling difficulties in the body of Christ in order that the world might be drawn to Christ because of our good example in all things pertaining to life. But instead the world mocks us. It is a horrible thought in my mind that the world groups the Harold Campings of the world with me and those who know better - those who actually know what the scriptures say regarding this particular matter. To hear then of other so-called "Christians" encouraging each other in this kind of indiscretion to remain "strong their faith" is disconcerting. Because I must ask, "what "faith" do they have really"? Their faith is devoid of any reason. Their faith is groundless and completely anthropomorphic. It is man centered. Absent is any real faith based on the the love of his Word.
This is indeed a sad day for professing Christians who base their faith on the surety and promise described in God's Word. For once again His Word has been dashed to the ground and slandered by ignorant, charlatans who claim to know God but prove that God's Word is far from them. But the Word says that God is not mocked whatsoever a man sows this he shall also reap. Camping has sown to the wind and to the wind will he inherit.
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