
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I don't have much time for this

I don't have much time for many posts at this point.  Though my current study on Hebrews is greatly illuminating.  I will post a number of my essays here as soon as I can burn them to a disk.  I promise to do so by the end of the week!  These posts have been reduced, so it seems, to basic journal entries - so much for controversy in theology leading to a good healthy (potential) debate or argument in the philosophical sense!  I must ask Lauren how he sends out invitations to his blog!  But frankly, I am quite happy in my freedom - freedom of NOT having twenty comments at a pop I must give defense too.



Jay Brown said...


Hang in there. Though I don't always have time to comment, I do enjoy reading and thinking through your posts. I hope you and your family are well. I read your post on the FIC movement. I can tell you that the church we are currently attending is EXCELLENT.It is not an FIC or homeschool church (90% are homeschooled). It is the Church that Christ purchased, focused on bringing Him glory through the preaching and teaching of His Word. We are an elder lead church ( I agree is the Biblical system. Seemingly every area is healthy, godly men and women living out the Gospel (imperfectly, but that is not a surprise to God). The studies we do at youth group are superb! 30 minutes of singing / testimonies and then a 1 hour Bible study. We then break into smaller groups to discuss the sermon. I'm not saying this in any prideful way. It's just really exciting to be part of a church that is operating in a way that honors the Lord.


Joe Milette said...

90%? Wow! That's a huge percentage!

I think that is also Jon's format in Ipswich as well for the youth group though not quite nearly as long (we are not part of the bible belt ya know :-)!)

I am glad you guys love your church as we do ours. No one is perfect but it is great to know that THIS BODY is where God has placed us.
