
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Some Important Observations

This is my blog. These are my thoughts; agree or disagree, it really does not matter. If someone stumbles upon them and they get my point or points; they get the spirit by which I write then I am glad I have helped. But if they disagree and explain themselves why then they are serving the Lord by helping a fellow brother be edified in the Lord. I don't always get it. My logic is not always sound so my arguments do not always score. When they do and are simply set aside; I'm not going to loose any sleep. If they score, I am confident they will at least provoke the complacent to thought. I am not trying to entertain. That is for T.V. For those T.V. "evangelists" who like to tickle itching ears by saying things that people agree, all the time, with. But I will not send e-mails to people any longer. I used to do this. I don't need to "push" my thoughts on to people knowing that they would probably disagree. I am no longer "thinking" about anyone in specific. I will hold onto my "freedom" in Christ and stop giving others the opportunity to challenge it by putting parameters on it. For doing so only gives sin the opportunity to destroy both sides. My side - by allowing my freedom to be slandered and their side - by legalistic dogmatic talk. Romans 12 - 15 is such a profitable study for us all. If I speak in riddles, I'd be glad to be more clear in comment for those who might be interested.


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