
Friday, January 17, 2014

Weak People

I am thinking about a number of things presently. Last night I had a conversation about how many of our college age young people are being disillusioned in their faith even while at Christian colleges like Gordon College nearby my home. Another thought that is imposing its will on my mind is what I read today on the internet about how a small Christian movie, virtually unknown was nominated for best original music track. The movie was "Alone but not Alone". Check it out. What made me thoughtful and even grave while reading the article was the responses by twitter or facebook followers who stated the culturally and politically relevant, unfounded mindless jargon that we hear everywhere and virtually at all times. Here is a couple examples of this kind of propaganda being spewed out of the mouths of these low information talking heads: "Oh good, the Oscar-nominated song from that homophobic movie was COMPOSED BY THE CHIEF OF THE ACADEMY’S MUSIC BRANCH" "ok i care about the oscars now because ALONE YET NOT ALONE is super racist" ""Alone Yet Not Alone" looks racist as heck. It's the year's most WTF Oscar nominee" "We haven't seen the movie, though it looks like our Joe Reid will have to, but the trailer features—to put it gently—some very (very!) questionable portrayals of Native Americans as savage-like." It is very clear from this last quote that Esther Zuckerman does not know her history. Hello! The Indians were savages and did some very savage things to innocent people. As we are talking about the history of the French and Indian War, I read enough of what was done to the people of Deerfield Mass and outlying communities to know their were atrocities committed. Read the accounts from the parsons themselves. Ignorance rules with most of people who cry "racism!", "homophobia!" and the like. Instead of putting up good, solid, convincing proof, they resort to name calling! Typical liberal! I wonder how anyone can stomach such raving from a bunch of lunatics? But as I don't want to play their game, I shall move on and keep my mouth shut. The first thought above has caused me to wonder about my own children sometimes. Some, as those who made such remarks as I quoted above, would say that it is not our business to steer our children to one way or another. It is only those who need religion, which is a crutch for them (they would say), who feel they must indoctrinate their children to believe in things they would not otherwise believe in. I don't see any such evidence for this type of ignorance. Instead I read Christ himself saying that if anyone would lead these little ones away (children), who believe in me, it would be better that a large millstone be tied around your necks and that you then be cast into the sea. Seems to me that children need guidance and direction. We as adults, ought to know better than merely leaving the innocent, naive and vulnerable alone to whatever desire and whim comes upon them to do. Really?? Also the bible clearly states that left by our own devices we will choose what is evil. So teach them nothing, you will produce misfits of society bent on doing no good. This is really defeating if there is even a remote inkling of brain activity in these people's heads. Society functions because of structure. If there were none, there would be no society. But this is what the anarchists would want isn't it? This is what our postmodern generations think is best. No rules, but their own rules and somehow everyone will get along with each other just fine. That is why we have terrorism causing fear all around the world. But you cannot help but to indoctrinate people in general and children in specific. Children look to adults to show them how to survive in the world and their culture. If you do not show them they will get their information from other sources and will hate you for not informing them. We have unruly children everywhere. They are an epidemic and the burden lies heavy on the shoulders of parents who do not deserve to be called mother and father. They are unfit because they refused to show their children what is right and what is wrong. Why? Sadly because the parents do not believe there is a right and wrong. This idea has been an old tradition that is now out of style. Why be regulated? Why not have total "freedom" to make your own rules? Here is an idea to try on: True freedom is discovered within parameters. I'll say it again, Freedom is only possible when there are rules set up which give structure and sense to society. Without rules and/or parameter, there can be no freedom. The whole idea of people crying "racist!" and "homophobic!" is an effort to get our broken society to agree with one another. The idea that people must be fully accepting of all lifestyles and religions is ridiculous. Getting a bunch of people to agree on every point does not necessarily make them unified. How can we grow as people if everyone must drive a white car? Or live in a particular kind of house in a particular neighborhood and like sushi and salmon? Our ideas must be continually challenged so that we can be better people, because remember we are not infinite in knowledge and understanding. But if we fall prey to governmental forces that desire people to remain stupid in order that they might get away with such crimes as they can get away with and not worry about the citizen's calling our government to account, then there is little hope that we will be able to ever think independently again. Instead we will continue to blow the bugle of "change" and "hope" which really means we must "conform" and get in line. So let's instead of reacting to any and every bit of information that the media blows our way, we stop and think about what is being said and then find out how much truth is in that bit of information? Let us not resort to name calling because it only shows how little we really know. Name calling only strips us naked and makes us look like the fool we really are. Let us engage in intelligent dialogue and debate. Let us discover answers that we can live with instead of relying on media "catch" words that are meant to conjure up an emotional response instead of an educated one. -Joe

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